
Dementia care/care for older people with neurocognitive disorders

Based on a basic attitude that is appreciative and person-centered, the postgraduate course teaches the latest findings on the symptoms and a wide variety of person-centered interventions that help support and promote all aspects of life and all people, especially in the context of neurocognitive disorders.

This program is only available and taught in German language. More detailed information on the postgraduate course can be found here (German only):

Im Überblick

Im Überblick

Dauer: 2 Semester, berufsbegleitend

ECTS: 30

Abschluss: Abschlusszeugnis

Start: Wintersemester 2026/27


Karoline Riedler BSc MSc
ÖGKV Steiermark
Akademie für Gesundheitsberufe
T: +43 316 577151



Der Lehrgang wird in Kooperation mit dem ÖGKV abgehalten.