Pflege bei Nierenersatztherapie

Care for individuals undergoing kidney replacement therapy

Special training in care for individuals undergoing kidney replacement therapy

The postgraduate course conveys knowledge of nursing and medical technology in the special field of care for individuals undergoing kidney replacement therapy, raises awareness of ethical principles and demonstrates methods for communication and ongoing personality development. Special professional internships foster the flow of knowledge between theory and practice.

This program is only available and taught in German language. More detailed information on the postgraduate course can be found here (German only):

Im Überblick

Im Überblick

Dauer: 2 Semester, Vollzeit

ECTS: 61

Kosten: € 8.555,60

Start: Wintersemester 2025/26


Andrea Maierhofer BSc MSc
T: +43 316 340 5788

Der  Lehrgang wird in Kooperation mit der
Steiermärkische Krankenanstaltengesellschaft m.b.H angeboten.